When Al Gore debated George Bush in 2000, he had two minutes to make a point. Now he's getting 100 minutes.
That alone makes the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" worth finding at the local indie film house, just to see such a high-profie argument being conducted with Apple slideshow software in the manner of a workplace quarterly report or McCormick Place keynote address.
Gore has road-tested his argument. An animated frog gets rescued from a death ordained by analogy, because a frog boil implies that incremental temperature change can't be stopped. And because Gore still can't muster the charisma of a cartoon frog.
"I've been trying to tell this story for a long time, and I feel as if I've failed to get the message across," Gore muses in The New York Times. Well, yes. Earth in the Balance found a limited audience, and the 2000 coin-flip campaign couldn't handle any metaphor more complicated than "lock box."
Talk about whether "An Inconvenient Truth" is a 2008 campaign vehicle seem sadly beside the point. Gore's message is more urgent by the year yet seemingly locked in the lecture hall. The movie marketplace pits Professor Gore in competition with Vince Vaughn. Guess who wins?